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Mini Dental Implants or Standard Dental Implants

Making a wise decision in life depends on having the correct information. If you have been looking for factual information on Mini Dental Implants, but have only heard about them through advertisements that make them sound too good to be true, you have found the right site to learn more. The only way to get the real information is to look at the studies and data contained in the dental literature. This site was designed to give factual information about the difference between Standard and Mini Dental Implants. If you have further questions please feel free to contact us after reading through this site. Understand the difference so you can make the choice that's right for you!

Mini Dental Implant threw root tip?

Mini Dental Implant threw root tip?

Here is a Dentist that shouldn't be practicing Dentistry

Mini Dental Implant Models

Mini Dental Implant Models

Notice that a single Mini Implant is incapable of supporting a Molar tooth by itself!

Mini Implant broken in sinus...

Mini Implant broken in sinus...

How would you feel if this was done by your Dentist and you were not even notified that it had occurred?

5 Broken Mini Dental Implants

5 Broken Mini Dental Implants

Poor Case Planning lead to overloading and complete failure in less than 1 year!

Mini Implants & Perio Disease

Mini Implants & Perio Disease

Poor treatment planning equals guaranteed failure!

2 Broken Mini Implants only 1 molar

2 Broken Mini Implants only 1 molar

Mini Dental Implants are not nearly as strong as Standard Dental Implants...

Mini Implant supported Temporary

Mini Implant supported Temporary


Mini Dental Implants or Bridge???

Mini Dental Implants or Bridge???

It should be one or the other. This is robbery and flat out wrong!

© Buffalo Dental Implant

1526 Walden Ave
Buffalo, NY 14225
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